Monday, July 23, 2018

Introducing: O5R Games

I am far enough ahead with Into the Unknown being print-ready, that the first two booklets just needs proper cover formatting to be print ready. And am basically 90% done with the remaining three. SO should be only a few months away now from a POD release.

Which also means I've set up O5R Games at And at this point, I think the game needs a more focused platform than the blog I set up originally to riff on my homebrew setting.

So I've set up this new blog!

That is where all items related to Into the Unknown will go. But also anything OSR related and of general rpg interest. Basically the old blog will go back to being a blog about my homebrew setting and stuff I think only I would care about. I've migrated most of the posts I think belong in the former category to the new blog as well. You can expect this new blog to be busier than this one. In case you actually want to see my homebrew setting musings, you can check it out here:

1 comment:

  1. I just found out about your blog and I'm very interested in your endeavors with INTO THE UNKNOWN. Wishing you much success !
